26 Commercial Tyre Service Providers Integrated with Bridgestone via Fleetbridge & CAM's TiDaex™

A total of 26 commercial tyre service providers are now live and benefitting from the successful integration between CAM International’s TiDaeX™ and Bridgestone’s FleetBridge system.

Leveraging the employment of e-jobsheet to connect directly with FleetBridge to secure greater shared data accuracy and efficiency between connected dealers and Bridgestone Europe, the systemised link makes it easier to do business with the global tyre manufacturer, by markedly reducing the dealers’ admin workload where Bridgestone fleet work is concerned.

When work is conducted by the commercial tyre dealers on a Bridgestone fleet vehicle, the direct connection between e-jobsheet and Bridgestone’s FleetBridge system will enable job data to be passed automatically from the tablet, including a copy of the job card and any photos and signatures provided, to be populated into the FleetBridge system within seconds of job completion from a fitter’s tablet. Inspection data will also be transmitted automatically to Bridgestone.

Sion Rathkey, Solution Business Back Office manager, Bridgestone Europe, says, “Some years ago we set out to become the easiest manufacturer for tyre service dealers in the UK to do business with. The success of the TiDaeX™ integration into FleetBridge for e-jobsheet has certainly contributed to that goal. The integration provides clear and real time information which has improved the quality of data provided to the end user.”

Steve Daly of CAM adds, “Our successful long-term collaboration with Bridgestone Europe is achieved through a deep and purposeful system integration between TiDaeX™ and FleetBridge, unlocking genuine efficiencies for both the network service provider and Bridgestone. This direct connectivity delivered by our e-jobsheet tablet technology can enhance the dealers’ customer service while at the same time saving them time, admin headache and costs.”

NEWSHazel Shaw