Managed installation & set-up
You're in safe hands
With over 4,500 users at over 2,500 Tyre Depots, we've managed a few installations over the last 30+ years so when it comes to getting CAMEO up and running in your business, you're in very safe hands.
Our experienced Project Management Team will ensure a smooth set-up of your new CAMEO system. They will help you to keep your business running by handling all of the initial configuration, data loading and advise on IT infrastructure build, testing and training.
We'll train you and your team

Top Training
We invest in training our own staff so that they can help you and your staff manage and operate CAMEO and any CAM APPs. We'll also help you keep on top of new staff training and new features so you get the best out of your investment in CAMEO.
Initial Training
As your new CAMEO installation nears completion, we will organise and carry out training with your team in good time for the planned go-live. We understand that training can be both an inconvenience during your normal working day and for many, can also be daunting. Don't worry, we've got years of experience that helps ensure we keep business interruption to a minimum and our friendly and patient training staff will help everyone get up to speed with confidence.
Ongoing Training
Once you are up and running with CAMEO, we will be ready whenever you need us to train new members of staff or train any new CAMEO APPs that you choose to add to your core system.
We're there when you need us

Support for CAMEO and all your IT
We’re with you every step of the way with our CAM Support package. We’ll make sure your CAMEO system and CAM APPs are always fit for purpose. Our Support Team are on hand 7am-6pm Monday – Friday, and 8:30am-1pm Saturday. Bank Holiday and emergency support hours are also available.
TOTALCare provides packages of time that can be used for any additional bespoke work specific to your business. These packages can also be utilised to assist supporting you with all elements of your IT infrastructure and network.
Purchase bundles of TOTALCare time to suit your business needs and budget. We can also supply a range of IT hardware / equipment and utilise TOTALCare for set-up / configuration.