Ask An Employer - National Apprenticeship Week 2022

As the leading software solution provider to the UK’s tyre industry, CAM is all about digital innovation. This week the nation celebrates National Apprenticeship Week, so it seems fitting that CAM’s digital marketing apprentice Lois Murphy takes the lead and gets to ask the questions. Read on as Lois turns the tables and interviews CAM’s Director of Operations, Ryan Naughton and Marketing Manager, Hazel Shaw, in a feature Lois has called… #AskAnEmployer

Lois: Why did you choose to take on an apprentice?

Ryan: If we’re honest, having a digital marketing apprenticeship wasn’t really on the radar. But Lois had undertaken a series of remote work experience days with us and had proved herself super useful to have around.

Hazel: When you have someone asking questions, it forces you to consider your answers and your reasoning. It makes you think again and stops you just doing it the way you’ve always done it. Put simply, having Lois around makes our mini marketing team work smarter and do better.

Lois: So what does CAM get from my apprenticeship?

Ryan: Aside from the extra help with practical tasks, we also benefit from the different perspective – a more contemporary viewpoint. Digital marketing isn’t standing still and we can’t either. Lois uses digital tools and social media in a totally different way to we do, so that insight is super useful.

Lois: Lots of people ask me how much of my time I spend working. Can you explain from your point of view?

Hazel: Lois’ apprenticeship is for 30 hours and she ‘works’ for CAM for 80% of that week. The other 20% is more official learning via her learning provider, TDM. But in reality every day is learning and the challenge for us to keep channelling Lois’ energy and enthusiasm into practical projects that benefit her learning and help us achieve our aims and live our values. Just in this last week, Lois has helped us benchmark our website’s stats ready for its replacement, researched and interviewed our new sponsored sports personality and has been improving our CRM.

Ryan: So does Lois take her turn on the tea round?

Hazel: Hardly! As you know, Lois is located 250 miles from the office and we both work remotely. Lois is rubbish at making the tea! 😊 But through covid, everyone at CAM has been remote, so it’s made no difference that we don’t sit adjacent.

Ryan: Being a digital apprenticeship has truly lent itself to working from home and not being restricted by geography, has enabled us to choose an apprentice from the widest pool of talent.

Lois: Where do you see me going next?

Hazel: We are a small marketing team and I am very contentious that Lois’ learning is only as interesting as me. The real value is when she takes what she’s learnt at CAM and applies and adds it to another business. Layering that learning across lots of organisations and markets is where the depth of understanding comes and expertise builds.

Ryan: And the tyre industry is more diverse than those outside it might first imagine. For a skilled digital marketer with industry knowledge, there is huge scope for career progression and to make an impact in the tyre businesses you work in.

What words of advice would you have for other businesses considering taking on an apprentice?

Ryan: Do it! Seize the opportunity to bring young people into your business as their contribution will always add value. Successful businesses will never miss the chance to continue growing and apprenticeships are ideal for creating a structure of progression as young people begin to build their careers.

Hazel Shaw