ETB future proofs with CAM Cloud

Exhausts, Tyres & Batteries Worcester Ltd has invested in CAM Cloud to host its Cameo system in CAM’s data centre.  The managed service will provide quality, hassle-free maintenance of its server and backup solution at its site on the Blackpole trading estate providing complete peace of mind.

Carl Stanley, IT manager at the Blackpole trading estate, Worcester, says, “The CAM Cloud hosted solution will ensure we are totally secure and can offer our customers the best possible service at all times.”

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Tructyre goes ‘live’ with e-jobsheet

Hot on the heels of its recent acquisition, Tructyre has gone ‘live’ with e-jobsheet to manage its direct fleet and third-party work amongst its tyre technician community.

Tructyre, a founding member of the UniSerV User Group, is now benefiting from the integration of e-jobsheet into CAM’s UniSerV platform, which will link it, where a connection exists on the TiDaeXTM platform, to its third-party customers. e-jobsheet will also assist Tructyre to service its direct customers as the app supports all functions required by a commercial tyre service provider – be it for breadowns, planned work, supply only, inspections, as well as fleet audits.

Anne Parker, Group Business Support Manager of Tructyre and Chairwoman of the UniSerV User Group says, “Within a week of going ‘live’ with e-jobsheet, Tructyre was completing over 500 jobs amongst its fitting workforce each work day. We are really pleased with the way our tyre technicians have embraced the new platform so enthusiastically. And the clear benefit of using one digital tablet app across all of our tyre and fleet management needs gives us great confidence as well.”

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UUG7 meeting to preview new fleet auditing on e-jobsheet

At the forthcoming seventh UniSerV User Group (UUG) meeting on Thursday 12 October 2017 in Milton Keynes, CAM will be presenting new fleet audit functionality on e-jobsheet ‘live’, bringing to a close six months of development to ensure end-to-end integration into UniSerV for fleet management purposes.

The meeting, to be chaired by Anne Parker of Tructyre, will be attended by UniSerV customers Aone, Dexel, SE Tyres, RJ Strang, Horndean Tyres, Lodge Tyre, Kingsway, Tyrenet, Redpath Tyres, Universal Tyres and Autocentres, Watling Tyres, AC Tyres and Tyrework.

The group will view how integrated e-jobsheet/UniSerV users will benefit from dynamically generated fleet inspection completion documentation, offering an improved service for communicating the time, date, location and tyre measurements of individual inspections or audits, be they for direct or third-party customers.

Significantly, fitter or auditor “Recommendations” from inspections using e-jobsheet will systematically create a follow up call for work allocation purposes in the UniSerV software.

In addition, Business Intelligence (BI) dashboards, which present inspections done and to-be-done, will be demonstrated. They fulfill the remit set by the Fleet Management Forum for “Phase 1” enhancement rollout back in January of this year.

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